These are the most frequently asked questions. However, please feel to reach out to me if you have any other questions. 

Truck 2591007 1280
How do I know this is legitimate?

When you enter James Shea, LPC in the Clearinghouse section “Select a Third Party Administrator,” my name and address will populate the section.  I will be sent an email by the Clearinghouse indicating a driver is requesting me to be designated as the TPA.  Once I accept the assignment, I will be listed on your dashboard as your TPA.

Login to your Clearinghouse Dashboard.  Click on view return to duty status.  Your SAP phone number and email address will be listed under MY SAP.

I will contact your SAP to obtain your follow up testing plan & compliance letter. Once I receive the documents from your SAP, I will send you an email with the testing site instructions. You will bring the email and your identification to the site.

You will receive instructions via email and step by step assistance if needed.

Once you obtain your drug test, it can take from three (3) to seven (7) business days to get the results.  As soon as Mr Shea receives your negative results, he enters the results immediately in Clearinghouse.  The results will show on your dashboard in real-time. Typically, results are received in three business days.   

No.  Your initial payment covers the cost of the test.

The MRO will contact you to verify if there is any medical reason for your positive.  If there is no verifiable reason for the positive, a new violation is entered in the Clearinghouse. You will have to start the RTD process over. 

Yes, you have seventy-two (72) hours to request a split sample test.  If you request a split sample the laboratory will request payment.  The sample is then sent to a different laboratory for testing. If the results are negative, the positive is removed.

You will receive a new violation and will have to start the RTD process over.